The Benefits of a Breast Lift with Fat Grafting After Breastfeeding
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After breastfeeding, some women experience permanent changes in their breast tissue such as volume deflation and sagging of their skin. Fortunately, there is a way to regain a youthful look without implants: a breast lift with a fat graft. You may have some familiarity with a breast lift, but let’s discuss the specifics of the breast lift with a fat graft procedure and how you can benefit.
What is a Breast Lift with a Fat Graft?
It’s normal following breastfeeding to lose volume in the breasts, which can cause them to sag or develop and asymmetrical look. A breast lift reshapes the breast tissue to restore roundness and firmness to the breast, and repositions the nipple areola complex to a higher more youthful position. However, a lift does not add volume to the breast. If you are looking to add additional volume to the breast, fat grafting can be a great natural long lasting option. Dr. Kurtovic or Dr. Mahabir will use liposuction to harvest excess fat from other areas of the body and then transfer those fat cells to the breasts. This procedure is called fat grafting.
Benefits of a Breast Lift with Fat Grafting
The addition of fat grafting with your breast lift procedure offers many benefits, including:
Restored Youthful Appearance
A woman’s breasts are a sign of femininity and beauty. Therefore, deflated or sagging breasts can leave many women feeling self-conscious. By lifting the breasts and restoring their volume, patients can enjoy a major confidence boost as well as a more balanced body contour.
Natural Results
The size of the breasts can either be enhanced with breast implants or fat grafting. Some patients prefer the naturalness of fat grafting since the harvested fat comes from their own body. Fat grafting has the benefit of using your own tissue, however, there is a limit to the amount of fat that can be transferred at one time and therefore is best for patients who are looking for a small volume enhancement.
Additional Body Sculpting
A combined breast lift and fat graft gives you the opportunity to solve more than one body issue. First, it improves the look of the breasts, but it also can help reduce unwanted fat elsewhere. For example, the harvested fat could come from the stomach, thighs, love handles, or buttocks – common places where people might be bothered by stubborn fat.
Who is a Good Candidate?
Your first step toward getting a breast lift with fat grafting is to consult with a plastic surgeon. Drs. Kurtovic and Mahabir are both board-certified plastic surgeons, with fellowship training in cosmetic breast surgery, and many years of experience in breast lifts with grafting. At your consultation, they will discuss your medical history to make sure the breast lift with fat grafting procedure is right for you.
In general, patients should be non-smokers in overall good health who are concerned with both the size and shape of their breasts. Women who are receiving this procedure to address breast changes after pregnancy or breastfeeding should not be planning for additional pregnancies, since this would affect the results of their procedure.
Schedule a Consultation
If you desire the fuller, rounder breasts you had before motherhood and want to boost your self-confidence, we encourage you to schedule a consultation today at Tucson Plastic Surgery in Tucson, AZ. Our board-certified plastic surgeons Dr. Kurtovic and Dr. Mahabir look forward to meeting you and getting started on your customized treatment plan.