As we age, the youthful contours of our face can be lost, resulting in loss of facial fat and soft tissue volume, as well as thinning, sagging skin causing lines and wrinkles. Facelift surgery aims to improve the visible signs of aging in the face and neck areas.
A mid-face lift is a surgical procedure that addresses sagging on the cheeks and the surrounding area. For many individuals, a traditional facelift may not address the upper cheek and lower eyelid areas of the face as a mid-face lift does. This procedure results in a refreshed, rejuvenated appearance for years to come.
As we age, the youthful contours of our face change due to gravity, genetics, stress, and environmental conditions. A neck lift is a surgical procedure that aims to improve visible signs of aging in the jawline and neck.
Facial Fat Grafting is a procedure that involves transferring fat from one area of the body to another. The goal is to improve or augment the area where the fat is injected. Common areas of the face that can benefit from fat transfer include the cheeks, lips, forehead, and areas between the nose and mouth.
A brow lift, also called a forehead lift, is a cosmetic procedure performed to rejuvenate the upper third of the face above the eyes. With aging, many people develop deep creases and furrows across the forehead and droopy brows, which can make the face look heavy and tired. By removing excess loose skin on the forehead and repositioning the underlying muscles and tissues, a brow lift can correct a heavy, sagging brow and restore a smoother, more youthful forehead contour.
Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, is designed to improve the appearance of the upper and lower eyelids. It is frequently performed for cosmetic concerns, however, many patients experience significant improvement in visual function following the removal of excess heavy upper eyelid skin.
Ear surgery, also known as otoplasty, is performed to change the position, shape, or size of the ears. Is usually used to address ears that stick out too far from the head or appear too large relative to the head. Cosmetic otoplasty can be performed at any age after the ears have reached their full size, which is usually after the age of five. The goal is to create a more natural shape for the ear while ensuring the ears are balanced and proportionate with the head.
At Tucson Plastic Surgery, we are proud to use only medical-grade, effective skincare for the best possible results. Unlike over-the-counter skincare that you can find at drug stores or makeup stores, medical-grade skincare products contain higher levels of active ingredients that have been tested to be effective on the skin. These products can also reach deeper levels of the skin for more effective results.
Before and After
Your face is the first thing that people see and it’s important to make a good impression, not just for others but also for your self-confidence! Whether you’re looking for an anti-aging rejuvenation or wish to alter your facial features for a proportionate, enhanced look, we can make it happen. View our gallery to see the beautiful results you can expect from a facial plastic surgery procedure at our office.
Silvia Kurtovic, MD & Raman Mahabir, MD
Board Certified Plastic Surgeons
At Tucson Plastic Surgery, we have a patient-centric approach that sets us apart from the rest. We take the time to really get to know you and your aesthetic goals during one-on-one conversations which help us to fully understand your motivations.