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What is Labiaplasty?
Following childbirth, significant weight loss, aging, or injury to the labia, some women are unhappy with the shape or size of their labia, or the fold of skin around the vaginal opening. The labia majora (the outer lips), and the labia minora (inner lips) can both be affected by life changes. Labiaplasty can help to restore a feeling of confidence and well-being in those who undergo this procedure.
Who is a good candidate for a Labiaplasty?
Women whose labia have stretched or been altered over time, who experience soreness or pain when riding a bicycle or during sexual activity, or who suffer from low self-esteem because of their labia can often benefit from labiaplasty. Those who are in good general health with a positive attitude toward the outcome of their procedure are ideal candidates. The best way to determine if this procedure is right for you is through a consultation appointment at our Tucson office.
Before + After
Patient Results
Achieve your ideal body with body contouring, fat reduction, and rejuvenation. We offer procedures for every area of the body, including the stomach, thighs, arms, back, and more! View our patient gallery and find a before and after similar to your body type and treatment goals to see what kind of results you can expect from our team.
BEFORE & AFTER GALLERYLabiaplasty Procedure
The labiaplasty procedure involves the removal of excess tissue from the labia minora, labia majora, or both. First, the excess areas of skin are measured and compared to ensure symmetry. Then, the areas will be anesthetized with local anesthesia, and excess tissue removed. Multiple layers of sutures will be used to close up incisions. In some cases, a technique called the wedge procedure will be used, during which a pie-shaped piece of tissue is removed. Extra folds of the clitoral hood can also be reduced at this time.
Recovery Process
Labiaplasty Recovery
4-6 weeks
Following labiaplasty, there will be swelling to the surgical area which takes several weeks to subside. Discomfort is minimal and most often managed by over the counter pain medications. Sexual intercourse must be avoided for 6 weeks after surgery. It is important to follow your plastic surgeon’s instructions regarding aftercare and medications for a safe recovery. Please do not hesitate to contact our office if you have any questions or concerns after your surgery.
Silvia Kurtovic, MD & Raman Mahabir, MD
Board Certified Plastic Surgeons
At Tucson Plastic Surgery, we have a patient-centric approach that sets us apart from the rest. We take the time to really get to know you and your aesthetic goals during one-on-one conversations which help us to fully understand your motivations.