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Men who have undergone significant weight loss may develop excess skin in their upper arms. Other common causes for excess skin in the upper arms are aging or simply genetics. The loose skin and excess fat detract from your confidence and self-esteem and you may find yourself wishing for a more toned and slim-looking appearance. An arm lift is an ideal cosmetic treatment for male patients who want to achieve a more sculpted and masculine appearance.
What is an Arm Lift?
A men’s arm lift or a brachioplasty removes excess skin that sags or droops on the undersurface of the upper arms. During an arm lift, men may also opt for liposuction to reduce the appearance of excess fat. Brachioplasty surgery typically requires a visible scar on the back of the arm. However, this is usually well hidden and should fade as you heal. With brachioplasty surgery, you can achieve more toned, sculpted, masculine-looking arms.

Who is a Good Candidate for an Arm Lift?
Men who experience excess skin in the upper arm area and are dissatisfied with the look of their arms can benefit from brachioplasty surgery. Patients must be in good overall health, non-smokers, and have realistic expectations of what arm lift surgery can accomplish (there has to be enough skin left to be able to accommodate the underlying muscle you have built up). The best way to determine your candidacy for men’s arm lift surgery is through a private consultation with one of our expert surgeons at Tucson Plastic Surgery in Arizona.
Before and After
At Tucson Plastic Surgery, our results are just one highlight of why so patients trust our team. Schedule a consultation today and get to know the compassionate, experienced, and board-certified plastic surgeon Drs. Kurtovic and Mahabir.
Arm lift surgery at Tucson Plastic surgery is most commonly performed under general anesthesia to minimize any feelings of discomfort during the surgical procedure.
Our skilled plastic surgeons will create a well concealed incision on the posterior arm, extending from the underarm to the elbow. Through that incision, your surgeon will remove excess skin, and remove excess fat. All dissolvable sutures will be placed in your incision (no sutures to remove) and you will be monitored for an appropriate time before being sent home from surgery with your caregiver.
Recovery Process
Arm Lift Recovery
6 Weeks
Your arm lift procedure will provide long-lasting results once your swelling has subsided. An initial improvement in the look of your arms will be present; however, swelling and bruising will be present. We recommend gentle compression for 48-72 hours to minimize swelling and provide these for you. Most arm lift patients can be back to work quickly, even within a few days. However, the incisions will need six weeks to heal before you can use your arms for lifting heavy objects and exercising. Our skilled team of doctors will provide you with detailed aftercare instructions to follow after your surgery. Your results will be long-lasting; however, you must maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine to help maintain your surgical results.

Silvia Kurtovic, MD & Raman Mahabir, MD
Board Certified Plastic Surgeons
At Tucson Plastic Surgery, we have a patient-centric approach that sets us apart from the rest. We take the time to really get to know you and your aesthetic goals during one-on-one conversations which help us to fully understand your motivations.