Liposuction For Men, What To Expect?

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While women make up the majority of patients seeking plastic surgery such as liposuction, the procedure is becoming more and more popular with men. Just like women, men are looking to reduce stubborn fat and create a more well-defined body.

Under the guidance of our highly-skilled plastic surgeons  Dr. Kurtovic or Dr. Mahabir, we can help you achieve your aesthetic goals. But before you schedule an appointment, let’s take a look at what exactly liposuction for men is.

What is Liposuction for Men?

Liposuction for men is intended to eliminate surplus adipose tissue (fat) from targeted regions of the male body, including the abdominal region, flanks, pectoral area, and thighs. This option is highly advantageous for men who have encountered difficulties effectively eliminating fat with diet and exercise alone.

The procedure involves minor incisions and suction to remove the fat from the treatment area.

The Consultation Process

During the preliminary consultation at Tucson Plastic Surgery, Dr. Mahabir or Dr. Kurtovic will thoroughly assess your concerns, objectives, and general well-being to determine if liposuction is right for you. They will also discuss your expectations, provide an explanation of the procedure, and address any questions you have. They will also evaluate the treatment areas and develop a customized treatment plan specifically designed to address your unique needs.

The Liposuction Procedure

During liposuction, you will be given anesthesia to ensure optimal comfort and pain management. Your surgeon will then make a small incision in the skin, and use a special cannula to loosen the fat, and then suction it away permanently. The incisions will be closed, and you can begin the recovery process.

Recovery and Results

Following the completion of the procedure, there will likely be some swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the treatment areas. You will receive post-op instructions on how to take care of your incision and how much rest and recovery you’ll need. Make sure to follow those instructions as much as possible to ensure you recover properly. Some of the instructions may include wearing a compression garment and avoiding any strenuous activities.

As you recover, the swelling will go down and you will be able to see your results better. You will likely see the full results a few months after the procedure.

To ensure the results last, stick to a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and an exercise routine.

Schedule A Consultation

If you’re considering liposuction and want to learn more, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Kurtovic or Dr. Mahabir. Both surgeons are board-certified, can answer any questions or concerns you have, and help you achieve the results you’re looking for.

Take the first step to a more sculpted body by scheduling a consultation today. Call Tuscon Plastic Surgery at 520-415-2420 or use our online scheduling form.  At our Tuscon, AZ office, we are committed to offering exquisite care and giving you the body of your dreams!


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