What is a Mommy Makeover?

For many women, pregnancy can change many areas of the body, which do not always return to normal. A mommy makeover is a personalized set of procedures that aim to help a woman address common changes in the breasts and body for a more youthful appearance. Some common goals of the mommy makeover procedure include:

  • Correcting sagging breasts.
  • Restoring volume to the breasts.
  • Improving breast asymmetry.
  • Removing sagging and excess skin from the abdomen.
  • Repairing separated abdominal muscles.
  • Reducing stubborn fat pockets.
Beautifully You

Who is a good candidate for a Mommy Makeover?

Patients who are unhappy with the changes that pregnancy has caused in their body who wish to achieve a more youthful look can often benefit from a mommy makeover. Women who are fully recovered from childbirth who are finished breastfeeding and are finished having children are ideal candidates. A consultation with one of our plastic surgeons is needed to best determine if this procedure is a good fit for you.

Before + After

Patient Results

Achieve your ideal body with body contouring, fat reduction, and rejuvenation. We offer procedures for every area of the body, including the stomach, thighs, arms, back, and more! View our patient gallery and find a before and after similar to your body type and treatment goals to see what kind of results you can expect from our team.


Patient Reviews

Amazing, kind, professional surgeons. My wife was nervous about the mommy-makeover and they made her feel comfortable, now she's so happy with the results!
- MV
I am so incredibly happy that I chose Dr Mahabir to do my mommy make over. He was confident, knowledgeable and extremely kind and comforting. All the ladies in the office and and surgery center…
- KS
Wonderful experience and such a caring practice. You all make a difference, and it shows!
- AS

Mommy Makeover Procedure

The mommy makeover procedure is a highly personalized one meant to address each individual patient’s aesthetic concerns. Because of this, no two mommy makeovers will look exactly the same. Multiple procedures can be performed during one single surgery, allowing women to improve multiple areas at once. These procedures may include:

Breast Augmentation

Involves enhancing the breasts using silicone or saline breast implants for more balanced overall body proportions.

Breast Lift

Is done to lift sagging breasts to a more youthful position for a more perky appearance.

Tummy Tuck

Eliminated excess fat and sagging skin from the abdomen for a slimmer abdominal profile.


Removes excess, stubborn pockets of fat from various areas of the body for a slimmer, more balanced appearance.


A procedure that alters the labia minora and majora to improve comfort and aesthetic appearance.

Recovery Process

Mommy Makeover Recovery

6-8 weeks

Because mommy makeovers are highly personalized, surgery recovery time may vary. Most surgical procedures require patients to avoid lifting for 6-8 weeks after surgery, so if you require child care, it is best to schedule that before your procedure. Your plastic surgeon will provide you with instructions on how to best care for yourself during recovery, and how to properly take any medications that are prescribed to you. Do not hesitate to contact our office if you have any questions or concerns post-surgery.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Mommy Makeovers dangerous?

Your reasons and decision to have a mommy makeover is tremendously personal. Every surgery has risks and a mommy makeover is no exception. The key part is to compare the risks and benefits. We will help you understand the procedure and potential complications and explain what you can expect for a result. Then, together, we can decide through a shared decision-making process whether this is the right operation for you.

Can a tummy tuck be considered medically necessary?

A tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is a surgery designed to flatten the abdomen by removing extra skin and fat and to tighten the abdominal wall (six pack) muscles. Despite some added medical benefits of potentially reducing stress incontinence, decreasing back pain and improving posture, abdominoplasty is always considered cosmetic.

Do you lose weight after a mommy makeover?

Yes, you lose weight after surgery. Not initially, as fluid retention, swelling, inflammation, stress and limitation of activities can lead you to gain a few pounds in the first week. You can minimize this by drinking plenty of water, eating well (high fiber, whole grains and fresh fruit while minimizing comfort foods) and walking short distances. But eventually, you will see a drop on the scales. For some, its a few pounds from the extra skin and fat removed from the tummy tuck. For others, it may be as much as 15-20 pounds if liposuction is done.

How do you prepare for a mommy makeover?

To prepare for a mommy makeover, you will want to make sure you have optimized your body weight and are not planning on losing additional weight or future pregnancy. You will want to make sure your medical health is in the best condition, and sometimes this may require a visit to your primary care doctor. It is important to have help lined up for the first few weeks after surgery as you won’t be able to do regular house work or drive until cleared by your surgeon. Preparing meals ahead of time Filling your prescriptions Taking enough time off To prepare for your actual procedure you will need to avoid taking certain medications that could potentially interact with anesthesia. These can include aspirin, ibuprofen, vitamin E, or blood thinners. It is also crucial that you stop smoking and using tobacco products before your surgery.

How long does it take to recover from a mommy makeover?

We use enhanced recovery and Exparel, a long-lasting local anesthetic, to boost the recovery, minimize discomfort and have you back to normal much quicker than you might expect. You will be up and walking the same day and, depending on your job, you may be back to work in a week or two. Bruising and swelling may persist for 2-3 weeks. While light walking and lifting may be resumed fairly quickly after surgery, you cannot return to a regular workout routine for 6 weeks.

How many plastic surgeries can be done at once?

It is not so much the number of surgeries as it is the length of surgery. For an outpatient surgery, we typically limit it to 4 or 5 hours. For longer surgeries, we will either have you stay overnight at the hospital or have a nurse go home with you (one on one care) so that we can ensure your safety.

How much did you pay for your mommy makeover?

There are no set components as it is tailored to fit your individual needs and desires. The most common areas are the breasts and the abdomen and together cost around $20,000 (Our prices are all inclusive: the consult, all pre-operative visits, the surgery, anesthesia and surgery center, as well as all post-operative visits and garments). Other possible surgeries that can be done at the same time include arms, thighs, labia and facial rejuventation. Each patient is unique as is each surgery performed and the cost. Please call us or click here to contact us regarding a private consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons. We pride ourselves on a patient-centric approach to serving you and look forward to meeting you soon.

How much fat can be removed during liposuction?

Liposuction is a procedure that we do just about every day and you will be amazed at how much fat can be permanently removed. The maximum amount of fat that can safely be removed in an outpatient surgery is 6 to 8 pounds (3-4 liters). If you require more than that, it is safest to either divide the liposuction into separate procedures or stay overnight after surgery.

What does a mommy makeover cost?

How much a mommy makeover costs depends on the types of procedures being performed and total length of surgery.

What is all included in a Mommy Makeover?

A mommy makeover can include breast augmentation, breast lift, tummy tuck, liposuction, arm lift, thigh lift, or labiaplasty.

How many sizes do you go down after a mommy makeover?

Most people who have a mommy makeover will go down a size or two. It can depend on the procedures you have done.

When can I bend over after mommy makeover?

Typically, you won’t want to bend over for 4-6 weeks after your mommy makeover.

How long do I have to sleep elevated after mommy makeover?

You will need to sleep in an elevated position for the first few weeks after the procedure.

What does it mean to stack body treatments/procedures?

Stacking body procedures involves performing several different treatments in the same surgery / procedure. Stacking treatments can be an effective way to ensure patients get the most value out of the experience. The best example is the \u201cmommy makeover\u201d which is a combination of procedures performed at the same time to restore the shape and appearance of a woman’s body after children. Think breast aug and tummy tuck. Or breast lift and tummy tuck with liposuction.

How long is bed rest after mommy makeover?

In general, we do not recommend bedrest after surgery. It is important to walk every day, but take it easy and not lift anything more than 5 lbs for several weeks. Your surgeon will give you specific details on when you can return to exercise after surgery.

How long after mommy makeover can I walk?

You are encouraged to walk right after surgery to enhance circulation throughout your body and prevent blood clots. However, we recommend walking short distances at first, with gradual increased activity as you heal.

How do I take care of myself after a mommy makeover?

Preparing certain things in advance like childcare, meals, grocery delivery, and cleaning/chores, will allow you to remain off your feet and focused on your recovery alone. Taking all required prescription medications and following all post-op instructions carefully is essential for taking care of yourself after a major surgical procedure like a mommy makeover.

How can I speed up my mommy makeover recovery?

There is no real way to speed up your surgical recovery, as healing takes time. The best advice we give is to follow all of your surgeon’s instructions and prepare for your recovery well in advance. This will allow you to help prevent complications from occurring that may prolong your recovery.

How do I prepare my body for a mommy makeover?

Before your mommy makeover, you may need to get labs taken and some medical testing done. You may also need to take certain medications leading up to your procedure or adjust the medications you are currently taking. You will also be advised to stop smoking for at least 6 weeks before and after surgery.

Silvia Kurtovic, MD & Raman Mahabir, MD

Board Certified Plastic Surgeons

At Tucson Plastic Surgery, we have a patient-centric approach that sets us apart from the rest. We take the time to really get to know you and your aesthetic goals during one-on-one conversations which help us to fully understand your motivations.

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