5 Benefits of Having a Browlift
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As we age, our skin loses elasticity and collagen, which results in thinner, stretched-out skin and is often accompanied with permanent fine lines and creases in the skin. Facial aging is variable among individuals and depends on a multitude of factors, such as genetics and UV light exposure. When significant aging occurs around the eyes and forehead, cosmetic surgical procedures such as a brow lift or forehead lift can be performed to restore a more youthful appearance.
What is a Brow Lift?
A brow lift is also known as a forehead lift, which is a surgical procedure to rejuvenate the upper third of the face above the eyes. The surgery is performed in an outpatient setting and typically takes about two hours. It can be performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation.
The procedure can be done through several different approaches, but the most common is an incision that is hidden within the hairline. The brows are lifted and secured with internal sutures. The forehead skin is then gently lifted and a small amount of excess skin is typically removed to tighten the forehead and create a naturally youthful look.
Benefits of Having a Brow Lift:
1.Reverse a tired or angry appearance
The eyes are one of the most expressive parts of the face. With aging, some people experience heavy droopy eyebrows which can result in a tired appearance, or deep furrows and frown lines which can result in an angry appearance. An eyebrow lift is a great surgical procedure to help patients address these issues and restore a more youthful appearance.
2. Opens the eye
With aging, often the entire eye area may be affected with saggy, wrinkly skin. We find that many patients who see us interested in a brow lift, also have hooding and excess upper eyelid skin and would benefit from upper eyelid surgery in addition to a brow lift.
3. Restores the natural arch
Some women as they age, develop flattening of the lateral eyebrow peak and find that this makes them appear more tired. The goal of a surgical brow lift is to elevate and restore the natural position of the eyebrows to a more alert and youthful position.
4. Smoothens forehead creases
A brow lift is essentially a surgical procedure for the upper one-third of the face, and it has the benefit of permanently reducing horizontal forehead wrinkle lines and those that occur between the eyes on the bridge of the nose.
5. Can be combined with additional facial procedures
While a brow lift can be performed alone, it can safely be combined with additional facial procedures such as eyelid (blepharoplasty) surgery, or facelift surgery.
Schedule Your Consultation
Are you interested in learning more about the brow lift procedure and if it is right for you? If so, contact Tucson Plastic Surgery today to schedule your consultation appointment with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons.