The DIEP Flap Procedure A Comprehensive Guide from Your Trusted Experts in Tucson

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The DIEP Flap Procedure Guide

If you’re considering plastic surgery in Tucson, especially an advanced procedure like the DIEP flap, it is essential to know all of the details about your procedure from your consultation until your full recovery. At Tucson Plastic Surgery, Dr. Raman Mahabir and Dr. Silvia Kurtovic are here to guide and support you during your surgery. Their incredible experience and unparalleled commitment to your care make them the go-to professionals in Tucson, AZ, for the DIEP flap procedure.

What is the DIEP Flap Procedure?

The DIEP flap is a state-of-the-art type of reconstructive plastic surgery, typically done post-mastectomy. DIEP, which stands for Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforators, involves using the patient’s own abdominal skin and fat to reconstruct a natural-looking breast without sacrificing any muscle. With Dr. Kurtovic and Dr. Mahabir’s experience and expertise, you’re in the best of hands.

Your Initial Consultation

Your journey with the DIEP Flap procedure begins with a comprehensive consultation with Dr. Mahabir or Dr. Kurtovic at our Tucson clinic. They’ll answer all of your questions, discuss your goals, and guide you through the procedural details.

DIEP Flap Procedural Details

Gaining a thorough understanding of the procedure helps temper any anxiety you may feel beforehand. Our surgeons take time to walk you through the entire procedure, from harvesting the tissue flap from your own body, usually from the lower abdomen, to meticulous reattachment to the chest wall. This practice of using a patient’s own tissue, better known as autologous reconstruction, makes DIEP Flap a more natural and safer alternative to breast implants.

Potential Risks and Complications

While the expertise of Tucson Plastic Surgery staff greatly minimizes risks, potential risks include bleeding, infection, or flap failure. Dr. Silvia Kurtovic and Dr. Raman Mahabir will explain how they proactively address these risks, ensuring every patient’s highest level of safety.

Recovery Process

Typically, the initial recovery phase lasts six to eight weeks. Dr. Mahabir and Dr. Kurtovic take an active role during this period, ensuring you always have the support you need to heal and maintain your comfort.

Contact Us

Are you considering a DIEP Flap procedure and looking for a top-notch plastic surgeon in Tucson, AZ? Why not talk to the experts? Providing compassionate patient care and surgical excellence, Dr. Raman Mahabir and Dr. Silvia Kurtovic are here to help you reclaim your confidence.

Restoring your breasts after your mastectomy recovery can be accomplished with the DIEP Flap procedure. So, don’t wait, fill out our online contact form, and schedule a consultation today!


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